Posts Tagged ‘flower’


Posted by Laurel Green on December 8th, 2009 at 4:47 pm

I’ve been messing around with fractal rendering again. Since I reinstalled everything on my computer, rendering time has been greatly lessened, so I can make more fractals in less time. This is good for whe I just want to mess around with the program to see what it can do.


This one reminds me of when I was little and I would watch thunderstorms at night. I really enjoyed the way that the clouds lit up.


The harshness of straight lines combined with the softness of curly lines creates a dichotomy of disparate… lines.


These are like fire-flowers. It would be fun to roast some marshmallows over some fire-flowers. I will use science to make this a reality.


This fractal took almost 3 hours to render. I’m not really sure why it took that long. It’s neat looking, though.


This one makes me think of one of those crazy star charts that they use on science fiction shows.


Argh! It’s pink hay! I must mainline some Loratadine!

You can find higher resolution versions of all of these in my flickr account, but not full-res yet, because I haven’t, as of yet, upgraded to Pro.

You can make your own fractals with Apophysis.

Circle Explosion

Posted by Laurel Green on November 25th, 2009 at 5:11 pm

Circle Flower 3

Yeah, that’s right. I’m totally obsessed.

Part of me wants to draft one of these babies and paint it in real life, but it would take a long time to do and it could, quite possibly, drive me insane.

Stop the Insanity

It would take less time to do one that is only eight colours like this one. I have to get some larger transfer paper to pull in off, though. Or, tape my current transfer paper together. Hmmm…