Archive for 2009

Gieef Lives

Posted by Laurel Green on November 22nd, 2009 at 8:04 pm

Kill it with Fire

So they’re rebooting Power Rangers.

We used to play “Power Rangers” on the playground at recess in kindergarten. It mostly involved the boys arguing over who got to be the Red Ranger and the girls arguing over who got the Pink Ranger.

And then they introduced the Green Ranger and everyone wanted to be him, because the Dragonzord was AWESOME.

Later on, the Green Ranger became the White Ranger and he wasn’t as cool anymore.


Brontosauruses were Crazy Awesome

Posted by Laurel Green on November 21st, 2009 at 6:22 pm


One day, Brontosaurus, awoke in his 5 billion dollar mansion. He pushed aside the 7 scantily-clad theropods strewn across his bed, dressed himself in his finest diamond filament fabric pants and went for a ride in his hobo-drawn carriage. His was a life of luxury.

Being rich and successful, this sexy sauropod was up to his ankles in dames. (The dames were, of course, part of the genus “fruitadens” and, thus, only reached his ankles by piling many on top of each other. That’s a lot o’ dames.) Sometimes he wondered, though, whether his life was actually worthwhile. Maybe it would be better for society if he contributed something to it, other than good looks and illegitimate children.

He decided, that very day, to become a veterinarian so that he could help save the lives of the many sauropods, theropods and ornithopods that were his buddies (dinosaurs were treated by veterinarians because they were animals). He wouldn’t help diplodocuses, though, because diplodocuses were jerks.

His life-changing decision was rendered completely moot, though, because the next day, a meteorite crashed into the Earth. Tonnes of dust was thrown into the air, partially blocking out the sun and making the Earth cooler. Most of the dinosaurs, being cold-blooded, died. Even Brontosaurus, despite his awesomeness, succumbed to the rapidly decreasing temperature. But all the diplodocuses died too, so it wasn’t so bad.

This was all just fantasy, of course. Brontosauruses never existed.

Swirly Wirly Day 1

Posted by Laurel Green on November 20th, 2009 at 8:08 pm

Swirly Wirly Day 1

I think that I’ve almost got Photoshop figured out. For one thing, I actually bothered to learn how to use the path tool. I used it to make swirlies!

The colours and positions of the swirls will most likey be different in the finished piece. I’ve just got them like this so that they are easier to see.

I must put food in “mah belleh” now.

Suspended Project Day 2

Posted by Laurel Green on November 19th, 2009 at 10:57 pm

Suspended Day 2

“Suspended” now has some lines and some shapes.

The lesson I learned today, about oil paint, was that I either need to wait longer between layers or have more paint on my brush. There was much mixing of the background with the foreground and, thus, swearing.

Don’t worry about that carpet. It was purchased specifically to get dirty.

Return of the Shoop

Posted by Laurel Green on November 18th, 2009 at 5:03 pm

Toxic Love

I finally got around to reinstalling Photoshop. I can now get back to photoshoping Steve Buscemi’s head onto the bodies of goats… And making digital arts. Tral alal lala…

Like this arts I made? It’s an infected heart with weird pushpins stuck into it. It’s meant to represent the hardships of coal miners.

No it’s not…


Posted by Laurel Green on November 17th, 2009 at 10:27 pm

Amigurumi Jellyfish

My original plan for an artsy farting for today was thwarted, so, instead you get this lovely picture of an amigurumi jellyfish that I handcrafted, all on my lonesome, on a dark and stormy night, with no defense against the predators and fiendish elements of the darkness…

Tis truly a cute jellyfish, no?

Anyway, I don’t think I have enough rings on my thumb.

Suspended Project Day 1

Posted by Laurel Green on November 16th, 2009 at 8:51 pm

Suspended Background

This is the background for an oil paint practice project that I’m doing. It’s still very much wet and it’s likely to stay that way for a while, what with being oil paint and all. I’ll have to wait a day or two before it’s dry enough for the next layer.

This was my first ever time of using a palette knife. It was exciting!

Mystery Project Day 3

Posted by Laurel Green on November 15th, 2009 at 8:57 pm

Mystery Project Day 3

Here’s the “Mystery Project” again. I’m going to have to go over the red lines once or twice more. That red is not quite as opaque as I’d like it to be.

In other news, the basement is once again cleared of people, so I can finally get back to working at night, without having to worry about waking people up. Productivity will soar!


Posted by Laurel Green on November 14th, 2009 at 9:17 pm


Soooooo, I remembered too late that, since I upgrade to Windows 7, Photoshop and my tablet are no longer installed. So, instead of an awesome drawing, you get this crappy drawing and I will regale you with an awesome true story.

During the big power-out of 2003, I was all like “Don’t worry, the power will turn on any second now.” and then, about a second later, the power turned back on.

Awesome eh? Totally awesome. You can’t even contemplate how awesome that was.

Too bad only my brothers were around to see it. *frowny-face*

Windows 7′s New Paint

Posted by Laurel Green on November 13th, 2009 at 1:11 pm

With Windows 7, Microsoft has improved their Paint program for, like, the first time in, like, 30 years.

Windows 7 Paint

New Features:

  • New brush-types including such as: “oil brush” and “crayon brush”
  • New shapes like: “star” an “Star of David”
  • New fill and outline options including: “oil brush” and “crayon brush”
  • You can, like, totally, rotate shapes, like, 90 degrees, and stuff.

Argh No Tablet

Look at this glorious icon of an image I have created with Windows 7‘s Paint. Gaze into it. GAZE!

Also, it’s, like, Friday the 13th, today. So, like, I’ve got to go turn into a werewolf, or something, now.