Posts Tagged ‘windows 7’


Posted by Laurel Green on November 14th, 2009 at 9:17 pm


Soooooo, I remembered too late that, since I upgrade to Windows 7, Photoshop and my tablet are no longer installed. So, instead of an awesome drawing, you get this crappy drawing and I will regale you with an awesome true story.

During the big power-out of 2003, I was all like “Don’t worry, the power will turn on any second now.” and then, about a second later, the power turned back on.

Awesome eh? Totally awesome. You can’t even contemplate how awesome that was.

Too bad only my brothers were around to see it. *frowny-face*

Windows 7′s New Paint

Posted by Laurel Green on November 13th, 2009 at 1:11 pm

With Windows 7, Microsoft has improved their Paint program for, like, the first time in, like, 30 years.

Windows 7 Paint

New Features:

  • New brush-types including such as: “oil brush” and “crayon brush”
  • New shapes like: “star” an “Star of David”
  • New fill and outline options including: “oil brush” and “crayon brush”
  • You can, like, totally, rotate shapes, like, 90 degrees, and stuff.

Argh No Tablet

Look at this glorious icon of an image I have created with Windows 7‘s Paint. Gaze into it. GAZE!

Also, it’s, like, Friday the 13th, today. So, like, I’ve got to go turn into a werewolf, or something, now.