Mystery Project Day 3

Posted by Laurel Green on November 15th, 2009 at 8:57 pm

Mystery Project Day 3

Here’s the “Mystery Project” again. I’m going to have to go over the red lines once or twice more. That red is not quite as opaque as I’d like it to be.

In other news, the basement is once again cleared of people, so I can finally get back to working at night, without having to worry about waking people up. Productivity will soar!


Posted by Laurel Green on November 14th, 2009 at 9:17 pm


Soooooo, I remembered too late that, since I upgrade to Windows 7, Photoshop and my tablet are no longer installed. So, instead of an awesome drawing, you get this crappy drawing and I will regale you with an awesome true story.

During the big power-out of 2003, I was all like “Don’t worry, the power will turn on any second now.” and then, about a second later, the power turned back on.

Awesome eh? Totally awesome. You can’t even contemplate how awesome that was.

Too bad only my brothers were around to see it. *frowny-face*

Windows 7′s New Paint

Posted by Laurel Green on November 13th, 2009 at 1:11 pm

With Windows 7, Microsoft has improved their Paint program for, like, the first time in, like, 30 years.

Windows 7 Paint

New Features:

  • New brush-types including such as: “oil brush” and “crayon brush”
  • New shapes like: “star” an “Star of David”
  • New fill and outline options including: “oil brush” and “crayon brush”
  • You can, like, totally, rotate shapes, like, 90 degrees, and stuff.

Argh No Tablet

Look at this glorious icon of an image I have created with Windows 7‘s Paint. Gaze into it. GAZE!

Also, it’s, like, Friday the 13th, today. So, like, I’ve got to go turn into a werewolf, or something, now.

Molecule Day 2

Posted by Laurel Green on November 10th, 2009 at 9:40 pm


I work a bit more on my painting and my phototakery skills (without actually reading the manual yet, derp), and I think that this photo is much better than the previous one. I just need to unlock the secrets of focusing and the world shall be mine. Bwahahahaha.

Assorted Insanities of the Past

Posted by Laurel Green on November 8th, 2009 at 5:11 am

I had this project, years ago, where I posted a doodle every day. I only lasted about two weeks and nobody saw any of it.

Anyway, I’ve chosen some of the more insane of the doodles to entertain you.


I have this thing where I find faces on things that shouldn’t have a face absolutely hilarious. Even more-so if those faces are angry.


Monkey in a Jar of Evil, is a character from the margins of my homework in High School.


Hey! You are a carrot! You are not supposed to have a face! Or a gun.


This one’s just cute. I should totally write a children’s book.


Funny story, I drew this one after I had watched an episode of “My Super Sweet 16″. This is how I see those girls.


UFO’s are a growing problem for anthropomorphized flowers.


I drew this one after reading a article about how the Wii was supposed to be dangerous and cause injuries.